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tempo Timed in either beats per minute or samples per measure (for syncing with BackToBasics). Changes by multiples of TROT (twelfth root of two, equal to a digital sample pitch-shifted by one half-step). Control+click to change the tempo in multiples of two.
master mute
base pitch Control+click to change by one octave (12 half-steps). Right-click to reset.
file menu
edit menu
functions menu
play The spacebar also activates this button. Control+click or spacebar+click to trigger the active window only.
active (playing) loop Press keys 1-8 to switch loops. Right click to change settings.
selected loop Each of the eight loops contains up to sixteen notes, depending on the window size (see N below). Right click to change settings.
mute Shift+click inverts all visible notes. Alt+shift+click sets the mute for all visible notes equally.
pitch Control+click to change by one octave (12 half-steps). Shift+click changes all visible notes relative to the control clicked. Alt+shift+click sets all visible notes equal to the control clicked.
duration Shift+click changes all visible notes relative to the control clicked. Alt+shift+click sets all visible notes equal to the control clicked. Sets the duration from 0 to 16 or infinity in polyphonic mode.
active (playing) note
window size Sets the loop length. Works best if the Windows Effect "Show window contents while dragging" is turned on. To set this, open the Control Panel and double-click on display then select the effects tab.
  timing issues :  The advanced power-saving of some computers, especially certain laptops, can disrupt the high-resolution timer used in the Wizard Master Control Program. If you notice timing problems, try disabling the Use High-Res Timer menu item (version 1.017+) in the functions menu (see F above).

turning the PC motherboard speaker on: Make sure the 'Pc Beep' volume is turned up in your computer's Volume Control which can be found here:

Start Menu/Programs/Accessories/Entertainment/
Volume Control

or go to Start/Run and enter "sndvol32.exe"

or just double-click on the speaker icon in the System Tray.

You may need to show the 'Pc Beep' control in the Volume Control by going to the Options menu and selecting properties.