BackToBasics   Abominaclavia   WMCP   .0303   TalkBackToBasics   Malodie   Mumbler   TextToNoise
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    bominaclavia creeps forward on all 128 legs to deliver the most promising sample sequencer the world has ever known. Combining the brains of the Wizard Master Control Program and the guts of BackToBasics, Abominaclavia rises out of the murky depths of the future to land in your lap.

Abominaclavia lets you assign digital samples (.wav files) to 128 separate beats (8 loops of 16 beats each) each with its own controls for pitch, volume, and stereo panning. The Abominaclavia is made to work with the Wizard Master Control Program, BackToBasics, and the .0303 and will even open WMCP and .0303 save files.

system requirements: Windows 9x/2000/XP and DirectX 3+


Abominaclavia Version 1.018 (221K)
  Contains the Abominaclavia and a sample save file with sounds. FREE!. 

Abhorreghasty Setup (548K)
  Contains an Abominaclavia save file
and its associated sounds.


  Can't figure out how to use the Abominaclavia? See if this on-line manual is any easier to understand!
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